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Web Link: Adults with Incapacity Act (Scotland)

The Adults with Incapacity Act (Scotland, 2000) is concerned with safeguarding the welfare and managing the finances of those who are unable to do so for themselves. It applies to Intensive Care patients who are too ill or otherwise unable (if they are sedated, confused or unconscious, for example) to make their own decisions. This link will take you to the legislation.gov.uk website that will give you further information on the act and what it means for you and your loved one.

Web Link: Power of Attorney: all you need to know

Are you considering setting up a power of attorney and would like to know how to go about it or would you like to refresh your memory about what the role entails? This link will take you to the mygov.scot website which has all you need to know.

Web Link: What to do after a death in Scotland

Sadly, not everyone survives Intensive Care.  We are very sorry for your loss.  This link will take you to the Scottish Government website which gives advice on what to do after a bereavement.  It includes things like how to register a death, how to arrange a funeral, legal and money issues, and where to get emotional support.