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In this section, we've included other people's experiences of what it was like when they first got home, and the things they found helpful.
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When we've spoken to other people about their illness or recovery, they very often tell us that "staying positive" (although sometimes difficult) was very important to them. It is often surprising to hear this from people who have had the most difficult time of it, but time and time again, they tell us how "lucky" they feel and how helpful it is to "count your blessings". Here are some examples of the things people told us. It may take some time...
Patients very often tell us how important their own "determination" is during the recovery process, particularly after they get home. While some people may always have had a determined personality, others told us that they had no choice but to be determined. "You've got to have the will...and say, "Yes, I am going to get better. I'm going to try and get my life back." It's important to stay focused on moving forward in your recovery, but...
In this short video, Bob (a former Intensive Care patient) talks about his recovery over the months and years since his accident.
This is a link to a short video, in which 2 former patients and their partners talk about the first few weeks of getting home. Borrowed, with grateful thanks, from the INSPIRE (ICU) research team in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
This is a link to a short video, in which 2 couples talk about their experiences in the first few weeks of getting home. Borrowed, with grateful thanks, from the INSPIRE (ICU) research team in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Many people find it helpful to hear that other people's experiences are similar to their own. This link will take you to the Healthtalkonlone website and to the section on patients' experiences of Intensive Care. Here, you can watch short videos, listen to voice files and read their interviews.
Many people find it helpful to hear that other people's experiences are similar to their own or to share their experiences online.This link will take you to the Intensive Care web page of Healthunlocked.They have a blog page in which patients and family members can ask questions and share experiences of Intensive Care and the recovery process.
In this video clip, Louise a former Intensive Care patient talks about her experiences of critical illness five years on and the process of getting better and getting on with her life. You can read interviews,listen to voice recordings and watch clips of other patients' experiences of Intensive Care by using the link to a free website called Healthtalkonline: http://healthtalkonline.org/search/all/intensive%20care