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Hospital wards

Being transferred to the hospital ward can be a real mixed bag of emotions for patients and families. While ward transfer is a sign of improvement and a step closer to going home, patients and families have to adjust to less monitoring and having fewer staff at close hand. 

Some patients "come to" on the wards, and have to begin to try to make sense of what has happened to them. Common psychological issues include strange dreams, problems sleeping or feeling anxious or low. Patients also become more aware of physical issues such as general weakness, tiredness, mobility problems, etc as they begin to do more for themselves.

In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on common physical and psychological issues issues during the ward stage of recovery, the types of staff involved in your care (who they are and what they do) and what to expect in terms of getting you home. We've also included sections on other people's experiences and frequently asked questions. We hope you find it helpful.


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Web Link: Citizens Advice (Scotland)

This link will take you to the Citizens Advice Bureau (Scotland). They can provide information and advice on a wide range of money, legal and health issues including: Money & debt Benefits Employment Housing Family problems Health Services Legal rights & responsibilities Within NHS Lothian, to see an advisor on your ward or at the patient imformation centre, call or text 07780-461-966, or...

Document: Confusion (delirium) and Intensive Care

This is a short, easy to read booklet written by ICUSteps.It explains what delirium is, why patients in Intensive Care are often confused, what it feels like for the patient and the things family members can do to help.Some patients continue to be a little confused after they are transferred to the general wards, although this is usually temporary.

Article: Coping with transfer to the ward

It's not always easy or even possible to prepare patients for transfer out of Intensive Care and onto the general wards.Intensive Care beds are in great demand and it's often impossible to predict when a bed might be needed for someone else.Although we try to avoid it as best we can, this sometimes means that patients are transferred out with little warning. From one to one care to "one of many" Patients often tell us that transfer to the wards can be a bit of...

Article: Dietitian

What does a dietitian do on the wards? The Dietitian works closely with the ward staff to make sure that you are able to take in enough nutrition to support your recovery. This might involve things like checking your weight and what you are eating, arranging for you to have additional snacks or supplements (usually high calorie or protein drinks) and giving advice on the types of things you should eat after you go home. Some patients continue to need nutritional support through a...

Article: Doctors

Awaiting content from a ward based Doctor

Article: Eating: what can I do to help?

Common problems with eating after Intensive Care Patients often lose weight during their time in Intensive Care. Patients who spend a long time in Intensive Care can lose a lot of weight, sometimes up to 20% of their weight from when they were first admitted. There are a number of problems with eating which are common after Intensive Care. They include things like poor appetite, food not tasting quite as it should (with either a metallic or salty taste), feeling full quickly and...

External Video: Exercises and Physiotherapy to help recovery

In this clip physiotherapist, Dr Bronwen Connolly explains how critical illness affects joints and muscles to cause joint stiffness and fatigue and how you can practice certain types of exercises to help you recover.

Article: Feeling anxious, low or sad

It's very common and completely understandable to feel anxious or low after transfer to the general ward.You may feel this way for any number of reasons, not least that you are in the very early stages of recovery from a serious illness, operation or accident. You don't have to deal with this alone. Speak to your family, your friends and the ward staff. When we asked a former patient for his "top tip" on recovery, he had this to say "It's very important...

External Video: George's experiences of ward care

In this video, George talks about his experiences of care on the wards after Intensive Care. He also talks about his experiences of discharge planning.

Web Link: Healthtalkonline

This is a free online resource for members of the general public and has sections on a range of illnesses and conditions. There is a section on Intensive Care; one on patients’ experiences and another on relatives’ experiences. There are video clips, voice recordings and interviews which have been typed out word for word, which many patients and familiy members find really useful.