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Families' page

Having a loved one in Intensive Care can be an incredibly stressful and upsetting time for families and friends.It can be difficult to think straight when you feel like your whole life has been turned upside down, often without warning. In this section, we've provided some very general information and advice on things like what to expect when visiting the Intensive Care Unit (for the first time), how to make sure you and your family are kept up to date and how to look after yourself. We've also provided some information and advice on practical issues such as taking time off work and money and legal issues.

Sadly, some patients don't survive their illness.We have also provided what we hope is some useful information and advice on some of the things you need to do if you lose a loved one.We have also provided to some links to organisations who can provide you with emotional support.We are very sorry for your loss.




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Article: Visiting the Intensive Care Unit for the first time

Visiting the Intensive Care Unit for the first time Some patients are admitted to Intensive Care as a planned part of their care-after major surgery or to allow specialist treatments to be performed, for example. In the case of planned major surgery, it is sometimes possible to visit the Intensive Care Unit beforehand, so that you and your family member have some idea of what to expect. Some people prefer to do this, while others don't.It's completely up to you. Many...

External Article: What is Intensive Care?

This link will take you to NHS Inform's section on Intensive Care.It provides a general summary of what Intensive Care Units are, what we do, easy to understand explanations of the equipment, and common issues after Intensive Care.

Web Link: What to do after a death in Scotland

Sadly, not everyone survives Intensive Care.  We are very sorry for your loss.  This link will take you to the Scottish Government website which gives advice on what to do after a bereavement.  It includes things like how to register a death, how to arrange a funeral, legal and money issues, and where to get emotional support.

Article: Withdrawing care

Sadly, not all patients survive their time in Intensive Care.Sometimes, very difficult decisions have to be made about whether or not we can or should continue providing Intensive Care treatment.